Saturday, August 10, 2013


Tonight I am full of anticipation for the upcoming (quickly approaching) school year. I am excited, nervous, and ready! I was out today and saw a student from my school who happily greeted me and has had a great summer. I have to say I rarely see kids out because I don't live in the same town that I teach, but I happened to be out at a store over that way today. It was kind of cool!

Anyhow, this year is going to be a crazy one for me, but I am excited. Along with teaching full time, I (like most teachers I know) am on a district committee, a school committee, and am also in charge of Relay for Life at my school. I'm also going to begin grad school (on the weekends) full time in a couple of weeks. Sometimes the thought of all this is a little overwhelming, but I'm ready for the challenge!

I have worked very hard in my room this summer and think the changes I made will really help my days run more smoothly. We shall see!

I'm excited to meet my kiddos and get started with the year. Here we go!

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