Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Few Things...

First of all, in a moment of BRILLIANCE (if I do say so myself, and I DO) I finally figured out what we will be this year. We will be "Mrs. H______'s Hurricanes" and then our little slogan of sorts can be "taking third grade by storm". I am so excited. lol Lame. I know. But, whatever. I started my hallway display Friday and will finish it Monday and post pics of it for you. I made a palm tree bending in the wind and all the leaves flying off. Then, I made big waves in the water. I'm planning to put a hurricane and then have my laminated sheets of construction paper to hang the kids work on. Should be interesting.

I'm also pretty much done with the room. Here are a few things I added:
This is the classroom library. (Sorry it's a little blurry.)

This is where they will store readers notebooks, writers notebooks, and sign up for conferences with me.

This is where they will sign up for conferences with me or let me know what they're doing.

Here is the word wall.

This is where they will sign up for reading conferences, or reading groups, or partnerships.

This is where we will post our standards, focus, etc.

This is where we will meet in small groups.

This is where they can use computers or the listening center.

1 comment:

  1. I love your theme!! So cute! I also love seeing pictures of your classroom! Thank you much Maggie for the sweet comment you left on my blog! I needed to read those words today! Needed to be reminded of His bigger picture! Hope you're adjusting to your new school! I know you will do great this year!!

    Have a great day!

